Gopalakrishnan S |
Please fill the details of your choice, in the form, that you want it to appear in the blog
1)Name: Gopalakrishnan S
2)Gender: Male
3)Subsect: Vadamal
4)Star/Gothram: Hastham (4), Srivatsam
5)Age (Month and year only): 38yrs one month
6)Education: M Com
7)Occupation: Internal Audit Section, Jockey India Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
8)Location: Vidyaranyapura, B'lore
9)Contact No: 9449552171
10)WhatsApp No: 9686755426
11)Height : 5'4"
12)Expectation: preferably working girl
13)Google search yes/No: yes
Note: Profile with photo submitted on line in the whatsapp group on 09.07.2020 reproduced in the blog as received, contents unchanged, with the consent
REF: VVBA - 1981